Reaggregation looks to biology to reform around healthy cash flows, the life blood of marketplaces
Reaggregation looks to biology to reform around healthy cash flows, the life blood of marketplacesAmit Rathore, AwakeVC

What is Reaggregation?

A new blueprint for scaling businesses by disaggregating their supply chains, and reassembling them on a post-digital market network operating system for global online/offline hyperlocal commerce.
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The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Reaggregation as the process by which cells reform to create an aggregate or a whole.

Or really how anything comes together to reform into a new whole.

Each living thing is a complex system. Or is it?

Underneath each complex system is a set of simpler components. Underneath each component is a set of even simpler components. Go far enough down, and you reach a point of utter simplicity.

Complexity can not arise from simplicity
Complexity can not arise from simplicityAmit Rathore, AwakeVC

Cause and effect, nearly Newtonian, absurdly simple. At the very base levels, there is no complexity, only the simplest of the simple. Cellular automata.

Then where is the complexity?

And how does all this matter to the world of business and finance? Why has yours truly started a tech-enabled private equity firm on the basis of this Internet Operating System?

That is what this space is all about - using Reaggregation to manifest a new world of tech-enabled value streams for hyperlocal entrepreneurs all over the globe.

Reaggregation is the Entrepreneurship Economy.

Welcome to Awakened Value Co-creation.

Welcome to Awake.

We are Awake.
We are Awake.Amit Rathore, AwakeVC

Interconnected market networks for the future of work, life, and play.

Enabling the Future of Work, aka the Entrepreneurship Economy.

Manifesting 10M tech-enabled entrepreneurs, co-creating 100M jobs.

The Future is for Everyone. Welcome to an Awake Universe.
